E-Learning FAQs
FAQ: E-Learning Day
When will D92 use an e-Learning day?
The district will use an e-Learning day when school is closed due to inclement weather or other emergencies.
How will students and parents be notified if an e-Learning day will be used?
E-Learning day communication will follow the standard communication protocols that D92 uses for emergency day notifications. These may include email and the district website. District staff will make every effort to provide notice to parents and guardians on the use of e-Learning days in advance, if inclement weather has been predicted, or the completion of emergency repairs are required.
What will it look like for students?
Students will be provided with 5 clock hours of instruction or school work, which can be a combination of asynchronous/synchronous activities. (2 ½ hours in Early Childhood)
What happens if my child needs assistance?
Teachers and staff will be available to students from 8:00am to 1:00pm via email. If email is not available, please call the school’s main office. Your phone message will be sent to the teacher.
When will e-Learning day assignments be posted?
Teachers will post all necessary instructional materials, assignments, and resources to the learning platform by 8:00am the morning of the e-Learning day.
What if we don’t have Internet access at our home?
In the event, Internet access or power is not available, written materials will be made available to students in advance.
What do I do if I have technology-related questions during an e-Learning day?
If a student is having technology-related issues, please contact Technology Support at technology@d92.org.
How will attendance be taken?
Attendance will be taken through PowerSchool during homeroom. Students without Internet access can call the school’s main office.
How will the e-Learning day impact after-school activities?
After-school activities will be treated the same as if school were closed. Schools will communicate about after-school activities directly with parents.
Do e-Learning days have to be made up at the end of the school year?
The state has determined that e-Learning days do not extend the school year, so no emergency days will be used at the end of the year due to e-Learning days.