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E-Learning Plan


Will County School District 92 E-Learning Plan

The purpose of an emergency e-Learning plan is to provide flexibility in the learning environment and to ensure the continuum of learning and engagement without adding emergency days to the end of the school year. E-Learning will be utilized  in the event of inclement weather and other emergency closings. The implementation of e-Learning days enable students and teachers to continue moving through the current curriculum without interruption. E-Learning plans set realistic learning expectations that are relevant and meaningful for both students and teachers when conditions require that it is necessary to cancel school in the event of an emergency. Furthermore, this opportunity aligns with the D92 mission statement; Empowering each student to develop a love of learning in an evolving global society. 


D92 will ensure and verify at least 5 clock hours of instruction or school work, as required under Section 10-19.05, for each person participating in e-Learning days.

  • During e-Learning students will be provided work from their teachers that equates to 5 hours of instruction for students in grades K-8 and 2 ½ hours of instruction in Early Childhood.
  • Each e-Learning schedule should be constructed to reflect the developmentally appropriate time frames and activities in the context of the schedule.
  • Teachers will post all necessary instructional materials, assignments, and resources to the learning platform by 8:00am the morning of the e-Learning day.
  • Attendance will be taken through PowerSchool to the extent as possible.
  • Instructional materials will advance the curriculum and learning.
  • Elective classes, specials, and related services will be included in the e-Learning day to the extent possible.
  • Teachers will be available to students from 8:00am to 1:00pm via email.


D92 will ensure access from home or other appropriate remote facilities for all students participating, including computers, the Internet, and other forms of electronic communication that must be utilized in the proposed program.

  • D92 teachers, students, and staff have access to the district approved platforms; Seesaw and Google Classroom based on their grade level appropriateness.
  • D92 students have district-assigned devices to complete assignments in Seesaw and Google Classroom on a regular basis, so it is understood that all students have access to the internet and learning platforms. 


D92 will ensure that non-electronic materials are made available for students participating in the program who do not have access to the required technology or to participating teachers or students who are prevented from accessing the required technology.

  • D92 has the infrastructure and professional capacity in place to support the adoption of e-Learning days in place of traditional emergency days. 
  • In the event, Internet access is not available, written materials will be available.


D92 will ensure appropriate learning opportunities for students with special needs.

  • Students with special needs will have assignments modified or provided based on their IEP goals from their special education IEP Team. 
  • The Special Education Department uses the same technology support as used in general education classes; district-assigned devices, Seesaw, Google Classroom.
  • The special education IEP Team is available by email for assistance and feedback.


D92 will monitor and verify each student’s electronic participation.

  • Teachers will track student progress to ensure participation and check-in with students if students are struggling or non-participatory. 
  • Students will communicate with their teachers regarding any unforeseen circumstances that occurred on the e-Learning day that may prevent them from following the given activities, directions, or learning opportunities. Those students will communicate with the teacher regarding the particular situation.


D92 will address the extent to which student participation is within the student’s control as to the time, pace, and means of learning. 

  • District platforms; Seesaw and Google Classroom are accessible to students and family members 24/7/365 which means that the pace in which students work is flexible to the events of the day.
  • As e-Learning days occur, the district will continue to review our implementation with systems in place to adjust time, pace, and means of learning.
  • Students experiencing unforeseen circumstances may reach out to their teacher to provide feedback for e-Learning activities.


D92 will provide effective notice to students and their parents or guardians of the use of particular days for e-Learning.

  • E-Learning day communication will follow the standard communication protocols that D92 uses for emergency day notifications. These may include email and the district website.
  • District staff will make every effort to provide notice to parents and guardians on the use of e-Learning days in advance, if inclement weather has been predicted, or the completion of emergency repairs are required.


D92 will provide staff and students with adequate training for e-Learning days’ participation. 

  • The district will provide communication and professional development for teachers and staff on an ongoing basis for updates in hardware and software usage.
  • Training has been provided for teachers, staff, and students for platform usage during Remote Learning of the 2020-21 school year and will continue to do so for new teachers and staff. 


D92 will ensure that all teachers and staff who may be involved in the provisions of e-learning have access to any and all hardware and software that may be required for the program.

  • D92 provides teachers and staff with district-assigned devices along with access to multiple educational apps. Textbooks, workbooks, and novels are digitally available on district devices.  
  • Every staff member has access to core productivity tools. Every staff member has access to district platforms; Seesaw, Google Classroom, and PowerSchool.


D92 will ensure an opportunity for any collective bargaining negotiations with representatives of the school district’s employees that would be legally required, and including all classifications of school district employees who are represented by collective bargaining agreements and who would be affected in the event of an e-Learning day.

  • The D92 e-Learning Plan has been developed in collaboration with union leadership to ensure a practical plan for teachers.
  • Documentation including the sign-off from the union president is included in the original submission.
  • Every effort will be made to notify staff of a possible e-Learning day 24 hours in advance of the actual emergency occurrence.
  • Special consideration will be given to notify teachers, staff, and students of an e-Learning day on a Friday before a weekend to the extent possible.


D92 will review and revise the program as implemented to address difficulties confronted.

  • The D92 e-Learning Plan will be reviewed and staff will be trained annually. 
  • After each e-Learning day, a full review of effectiveness will be completed including a review of communication procedures, learning experiences, staff, student, and stakeholder feedback, logistics, and technology procedures.


D92 will ensure that the protocol regarding general expectations and responsibilities of the program is communicated to teachers, staff, and students at least 30 days prior to utilizing an e-Learning day.

  • Notification of the e-Learning plan was communicated to teachers and staff - August 2023.
  • Notification of the e-Learning plan was communicated to parents and guardians - August 2023.
  • The D92 Board of Education held a public hearing on August 17, 2021.
  • The ROE approved the D92 e-Learning plan on August 17, 2021.